Plongée sous-marine

Plonger aux Saintes en GuadeloupeLes Saintes archipelago will offer a great variety of scubadiving and snorjeling sites; they're ideal for your first dives. Furthermore than its two main islands (Terre-de-Haut and Terre-de-Bas), les Saintes offer seven smaller islands. This will give you access to diving in very different environments - for all levels above 8 years' old.

We recommend the Sec Pâté site for confirmed scubadivers. It's known for being one of the most beautiful diving sites of the whole Caribbean islands.
Please get in touch with one of the 2 scubadiving clubs of the island regarding the organisation of your sessions.

Terre de Haut les Saintes scubadiving clubs

Les Pisquettes

Plongée sous-marine aux Saintes, Guadeloupe - club Pisquettes
Turn left after the ferry landing, follow the Maison Bateau direction (10 mn walk)…

Please visite Les Pisquettes' website


Dive Bouteilles

Plongée sous-marine à l'île des Saintes en GuadeloupeBased on the Morne Rouge beach, in Terre-de-Haut - 2 minutes walk from the hotel.
Visit the Dive Bouteilles' website